Friday 27 July 2012

Nearly at the finish line

After 2 years of struggling through the ups and downs of lab and postgraduate research, of working way way way overtime and being way way way underpaid, and the boring compulsory lectures, I'm finally nearly at the end.

Just finished writing the rough draft of my thesis, which I'm gonna be sending out to one of my committee advisors, and printed later today~ It's a good feeling. A strange feeling of relief. Light and....fluffy i guess.

Turning my head back I see my fiance sleeping, and even though I'm exhausted this feeling is strangely fulfilling. The feeling of "this is exactly where I wanna be right now". Can't really explain it and I'm just rambling now.

Strangely happy.

Crossing lines

Each line crossed Diving deeper into you The parade of life  This song we sing - both familiar and absurd I gaze at you from this sid...